All Me,  Boy Mom,  Isa life

Not Just a Mom

I want people to feel more authentic, free & alive.

Have you ever had times in your life when you haven’t felt that? 

I felt that when I became a mom. I knew things wouldn’t be the same but not realizing what that looked like was so unknown to me. From not being my typical size, not having the freedom to go do whatever, from being tired & just learning this new role. It was a BIG adjustment and honestly no one talks about it & a part of me felt that this new role as mom sort of made me give up any other identity I might have had. Then after kiddo #3, I decided to live life more authentically, which meant letting those areas of my life that I was deeply missing come back to life.

Even though I loved being a mom, somewhere along the way, the wife, athlete, traveler, adventure, creative self of me was gone. God created so many unique things that make us a whole person to shine for his glory, but sometimes the lies we allow ourselves to hear create lost souls with missing pieces. We walk around half full, unfulfilled, comparing our half lived life to the best part of other people’s lives. No wonder why I felt so incongruent with mine. When I made a choice to abide in things I was created for, I really felt alive. Not necessarily in material things, because those will never be enough, but in God and the things he has designed for me. I felt more authentic. I chose to seek out friendships that challenged me to grow as a individual, traveled more, joined a running group, even counseling!

Now, my kids not only get a mom that gets to share things that she loves & is good at with her kids, but they get a whole mom without missing pieces of herself. And the best part about this journey is that I have chosen to invite my kids to be a part of the adventure, creating more memories. Over the years I have seen that there are so many other women that feel the same. The biggest reason why I still surround myself with the dreamers of Isagenix. Sometimes you just need a little encouragement & a vehicle to allow you to learn how to love all the things about yourself & help others do the same. The world needs more love. People loving themselves enough to use their God given gifts to love others.