• All Me,  Boy Mom,  Isa life

    Not Just a Mom

    I want people to feel more authentic, free & alive.

    Have you ever had times in your life when you haven’t felt that? 

    I felt that when I became a mom. I knew things wouldn’t be the same but not realizing what that looked like was so unknown to me. From not being my typical size, not having the freedom to go do whatever, from being tired & just learning this new role. It was a BIG adjustment and honestly no one talks about it & a part of me felt that this new role as mom sort of made me give up any other identity I might have had. Then after kiddo #3, I decided to live life more authentically, which meant letting those areas of my life that I was deeply missing come back to life.

    Even though I loved being a mom, somewhere along the way, the wife, athlete, traveler, adventure, creative self of me was gone. God created so many unique things that make us a whole person to shine for his glory, but sometimes the lies we allow ourselves to hear create lost souls with missing pieces. We walk around half full, unfulfilled, comparing our half lived life to the best part of other people’s lives. No wonder why I felt so incongruent with mine. When I made a choice to abide in things I was created for, I really felt alive. Not necessarily in material things, because those will never be enough, but in God and the things he has designed for me. I felt more authentic. I chose to seek out friendships that challenged me to grow as a individual, traveled more, joined a running group, even counseling!

    Now, my kids not only get a mom that gets to share things that she loves & is good at with her kids, but they get a whole mom without missing pieces of herself. And the best part about this journey is that I have chosen to invite my kids to be a part of the adventure, creating more memories. Over the years I have seen that there are so many other women that feel the same. The biggest reason why I still surround myself with the dreamers of Isagenix. Sometimes you just need a little encouragement & a vehicle to allow you to learn how to love all the things about yourself & help others do the same. The world needs more love. People loving themselves enough to use their God given gifts to love others.

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  • All Me,  Isa life,  Travel

    The Rise of Entrepreneurship

    If you have pulse and are breathing, you probably have noticed more people getting involved in entrepreneurial type endeavors. And more than likely you have been either been involved one or has had someone approached you to be involved in one or at least try their products or services. No matter your thoughts on this, times are changing and then need for additional income, flexibility and creativity in the workplace is greater than ever before. Gone our the days where you work at the same job for 40 hours a week for 40 years and then retire. There are many parts to why that equation is gone, but it would be naive to think that model works for our fast pace, do more with less mentality that we see across the board. Thankfully, the freedom for entrepreneurship is at your fingertips to bring back life to the workforce and for many the excitement and creativity to do what they love. But choosing the right avenue is definitely key. The right product and/or service that is needed at the right price and of course stands out from others paired with the best compensation to build your dream really make a difference. Insert, Isagenix into my equation. I have always been passionate about health. Hence, one reason why I went into health care and got my bachelors of science in nursing. Even though, I loved learning about the body and how to treat and care for it, a huge gap I was seeing is on the preventativie side. Have a long list of meds and medical conditions seemed to be the norm for the people would see on a daily basis and it just seemed to be accepted as ok , we have med for that on the medical side. And granted, its really hard to help people that don’t want to be help or don’t want to make changes, we owed it to ourselves to do better. So that’s where Isagenix fell into my life. Creating simple solutions for people ease the physical buderns that are ailing by nourshing their bodies with the nutrients they need and letting the body work as it is made to. As soon as started nourshing my body with Isagenix. I knew that this was a game changer, not only for me but could help so many people . The reason I started to pursuse this as a side hustle intially. And what I had come to find out was it was much more than prodcuts, but truly a mission to help people . So these past couple days I was fornutate to be able to travel down to Arizona for a leadership retreat with our team.

    Dreaming, collaboratig, learning from each other as well as getting pretty spoiled at the corportate office. This company loves working with people in the field and getting feedeback from their associates. Not many billion dollar companies take time to meet with their associates and collaborate with them to better the future of not only the company but the customer experience both current and future.

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  • All Me,  Boy Mom,  Isa life

    New Year, New You

    I love this time of year. Where hopes and dreams are high, motivation for success is contagious and people are willing to try something new. Each year I do set goals. I write them out, place them around the house and choose people to help keep me accountable to them. With these things in place, I am more likely to hit those goals.

    This year, I am choosing to gain new results rather than out of reach resolutions.

    I am choosing gratitude. Reflecting everyday on what I am grateful for gives me a better perspective on how far I have come and what I have and accomplished thus far.

    I am choosing to hit specific financial goals as well as help grow my team members financial goals.

    I am choosing to live bigger this year, because I know I am made for a greater purpose.

    One thing I love about my company is that they have a New Years Kick Off. It gets me excited for the new year and also allows me to reflect on the past year and where I want to go this year. I love that this company is truly a health and wellness company. It basically is a personal development plan with a paycheck and a healthy body attached! Can’t complain about that! Not only do they help you grow as an individual but you get to surround yourself with people that help better each other, speak life into and really about finding that inner passion and desire you were made for and being able to using the opportunity with Isagenix to pursue that as well as help so many people be free from physically and financial pain.

    What would an extra $500 dollars a month do for your family this year? What would more energy throughout the day look like? It’s possible to live your best life. You just have to be willing to take the first step. Start here, with results you can’t get anywhere else.

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  • All Me,  Isa life,  Travel

    With Brave Wings She Flies

    I had the honor and privilege to attend  Earn Your Wings this year.  It is an exclusive leadership retreat with my team that was held in sunny San Diego.  I was so excited to attend.  One thing I have learned from being a mom, is that you cannot pour from an empty cup and going to events like these fill me up!  There’s nothing like being surrounded by positive, confident women that build each other up, cheer each other on and help each other be the best versions of themselves and therefore able to give the best of them to the people in their lives.  I may be a boy mom, but I want to show them that women are capable of so much.  I want them to see that I am confident in who I am, that I am not afraid to follow the dreams and desires that God has place on my heart.  That it is ok to dream BIG for yourself and that I have so much power and the ability to go for it.   To not be ashamed or afraid of failing because it just means that I was trying something new or hard.  And this was what this event was all about.  We had five amazing women putting this all together for us and totally spoiled us.  They have such big hearts for serving other people and helping them succeed.  We started it off with a White Party, where I got to mingled and meet some other powerhouse women.  The next morning we enjoyed the beautiful sun and walked around the marina with an icebreaker session,  followed by a some amazing speakers that talked about leadership. We had a little friendly competition between our tables and had to be creative with a scavenger hunt around the resort.  Let’s just say nothing was off limits except don’t break any laws…lol.  Day 2 certainly did not disappoint and got my butt worked with some bootcamp on the beach. What a way to get the blood flowing! The second session was learning how to work with different kinds of peoples and really utilizing strengths within the team and a bunch of brainstorming and collaboration.  Our session ended with a special ceremony.  We got to release baby butterflies outside as watched how they learned to fly.  The process to become a beautiful reminds me of life’s journey and here they finally Earned Their Wings and flew….  It was such special moment to witness.  I’ll always remember that behind every beautiful and glorious moments in life, there were sacrifices and tough times that got me there and If I hadn’t pushed through, I may never have experienced those special times.

    Earn Your Wings Bossbabes

    Scavenger Hunt

    Beach Bootcamp

    When biz partners become friends

    Our team doesn’t have any fun!




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  • Boy Mom,  Isa life

    Protein Balls

    With three boys, having healthy snacks on hand is a must.  We always have fruit and veggies on hand, but a lot of times they crave something more dense.  I love having easy and yummy ways to get in extra protein and these snacks are just too good!

    2 scoops undenatured vanilla isapro

    1 cups oats

    1/3 cup pure maple syrup

    1 cup organic peanut butter

    a dash of salt

    1/4 cup mini chocolate chips

    Mix together.  Roll in balls.  Set in fridge for 30 minutes.



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